
In the key of F major, a smattering of jaunty piano noises jitterered from the tattered loudspeakers, musical scales intertwined with the crooning of a young Elton John. As the whites of Jacob’s eyes revealed themselves, transporting him into a netherworld of forbidden rollercoasters and vistas of rainbow translucence, Alexander brought that same crude device to his lips, hoping to enter that forbiden gateway of transcendence, hungry for some sort of elusive elucidation (still denied after 23 years of ferverent religious devotion!)

Inhaling deeply, the black saliva fume expanded behind yellowing teeth, cascading across larynx and epiglottis, penetrating tunnels of tracheostomic cartilage, finding eager reception across the waiting brocholi before entering the void of the diaphragm, diffusing across alveolar walls into the bloodstream, hijacking hemoglobin for a straight shot to the brainstem, where it danced like chain lighting across neuron and dendrite. 


Alexander’s head rocks back, still exhaling, tongue gyrating like an epileptic worm, lolling like an opium fiend. With cruel assurance, the hulking shadow of Infinity reverberates through the blackout corridor of his mind like a cosmic gunshot.

And then, a jittering whir.

The black turbulent wind of winged psychic insects.

Like the end of the world, like the circling of the drain. A black room undressing itself, COMPRESSING ITSELF around the gurgling drain of non-existance. But the drain was his mouth, a blackness pouring over parted lips, revealing an insatiable hunger for annihilation. The kind that destroys a family. The kind of which levels entire cities, perhaps even worlds. 

An incessant droning above the great Salt Flats of Utah. The chittering of subterranain voices from the Nutty Putty Cave System. From the depths of the unconscious arose a pure and singular frequency, cascading into his consciousness like an avalanche in D minor.

Like a sewer system reversing itself with a typhoon vengeance, spewing its garish secrets before the harsh light of day from undulating portals of porcelain. Like the torrent of vomit unleashed by frantic, bulimic fingers. Like an ancient and jealous god, laying waste to Ninevehite skylines, the insect wind burst forth from cracked lips with the fury of a dying star. Sticky black polypropylene webbing spurted from Alexander’s mouth into the void, forming a cosmic web like a distorted trampoline, devouring asteroids, planets and stars, sucking them into the gaping maw of a the dark gravitational pull which growled and gyrated within his mind


And as his chest de-compressed with the accumulated weight of hell, the truth of eternal conscious torment swept over him like a sickly ocean of pus and writhing centepedes and rotten meat. As he gasped for breath, a sour wet rag over his mouth, he wished for a permanent means of closure, the simple material finality of spring loaded steel and lead projectile, of the sweet release of eternal non-existence.

It was not until the horrible, transcendent face of the ETERNITY SIGNAL came into view [ancient and mocking and pressing hard against the fabric of starless polyethylene vistas] when Alex was freed of his paralysis, breaking free of the iron grip of his dismayed companions, throwing himself through the plate glass window to the welcoming asphalt below.

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